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Отзыв о fishing-sea.com от Saimon Dlehta

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Berkley Gulp! Alive! Attractant Spray Scent: Nightcrawler (NCR)Brand: BerkleyManufacturer: BerkleyFeatures: Available in three different scentsEight ounce spray bottlesGulp! Alive! formulaEffective on all soft baits, hard baits and live baits With Berkley Gulp! Alive! Attractant Spray you can enhance the fish catching power of any soft bait hard bait or live bait. Spray it onto your favorite trolling plug to create a scent trail which fish can home in on. Spray it onto soft baits to drive bass crazy. When applied to live baits fish cant help but start a feeding frenzy! Berkley Gulp! Alive! Attractant Spray comes in three different fish catching formulas Crawfish Garlic and Nightcrawler.

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